
While in Krakow

So after the fun of getting there, and a slightly restful nap (it was only two hours after all) we made our way into into the center of the town to start seeing sights and find some food. The cloth hall and St Mary's both stand in the middle of the giant square. Along with a romanesque church that was built in the 900's and looks like it's crooked compared to the rest of the buildings because it's aligned east to west (or perhaps north to south, wanna help me out here Ali?). We then decided to find Wawel Castle, which was not hard to do since it is ENORMOUS!! We toured the inside of the church which was overwhelmingly beautiful and we were able to climb up into the bell tower (which is where the previous picture of Krakow came from). In all our time spend in Krakow was enjoyable and rather relaxing, involving lots of potato soup, borscht, perogies and hot chocolate so thick it was like eating a candy bar that had been left in the sun. If only we new what we were in for with our trip to Brno... (how's that for a suspenseful pause? I think you'll have to wait for the story of how we were stranded in Poland)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are right, Lauren, its aligned east-west. Something funny about Wawel Castle-- it took us awhile to figure out that "w" in Polish is pronounced like "v", so we spent the first day in Krakow pronouncing the castle's name "Wawa" like toddlers talking to their aunt Laila. Then some handy tourist literature tipped us off and we got it right: turns out "Vavel" is way more fun to say. -Ali